Tips for some effective time management.

disha saxena
2 min readNov 1, 2020

Each one of us has a different perspective about what is time, everyone will have different views about it. To a busy man, time is money. Few realize it that time is carrying everyone towards death. It is God’s gift to everyone.

Time is the unlimited continued progress of existence and events in the past, present and future, regarded as a whole. The attitude about time reflects how one uses it. Time can be both, a friend and a foe. We need to take short-term as well as long-term view of time.

Learning Time Management

There are two ways of becoming a good time manager

1. Systematic approach towards it. It’s like learning a new skill.

2. Learn it as you struggle through life, making mistakes and learning from them.

Few facts about it: -

1. Nobody is born a good time manager.

2. The only way to becoming one is to learn about it. There is no shortcut.

3. It will require persistent, effort over a long period of time.

4. People who give importance to discipline, learn faster.

5. Those who say they don’t need time management, could be efficient workers but not effective.

6. Good time management begins with an understanding of oneself, with personal motivation and by being aware that it will promote greater productivity and personal fulfillment.

Time-Management Tips

1. A relaxed person always works effectively rather than a stressed person. So before starting anything stay calm and focused.

2. Good time management is based on self-discipline and self-management.

3. Manage the time by setting goals and targets.

4. Goals must be measurable, challenging, achievable and time-bound.

5. Things should be questioned and when better things are found, old things should be discarded. Otherwise, it may arise in confusion and leads to inefficiency.

6. The secret of productivity lies in doing what is important. Always prioritize your work before you start it.

7. Don’t overthink, just start it.

Good time managers spend time setting goals and planning to achieve them. Fail to plan leads to huge time loss. Much of the time is wasted when you don’t know what is to be done and how it is to be done.

By Disha Saxena and Kshitiz Mohan

